Zukauskas is Such a Boy Scout

  • Published
  • By Capt. Bryon M. Turner
  • 103rd Airlift Wing
Senior Master Sgt. Robert Zukauskas, one of the Conn. Air National Guard's Outstanding Airmen of the Year, is such a Boy Scout, both literally and figuratively. 

Zukauskas, a 20 year veteran of the Boy Scouts, currently serves as an Assistant Scout Master for Troop 108, out of Hazardville, Conn., during his off-duty hours. 

"I have been involved in scouting for over 20 years with the last 12 as an adult leader which has become very rewarding," said Zukauskas. 

Working with motivated young men in meeting their goals is fulfilling, said Zukauskas. But working with the scouts is only one of Zukauskas' community service activities. 

On his off Mondays, Zukauskas collects bread and charitable donations from local super markets, and then stocks the pantry and performs routine maintenance at the Enfield Loaves and Fishes soup kitchen. He also participates in regular meetings at his local American Legion with long-term goals of becoming an officer within the organization and helping his fellow veterans. 

In an effort to help his fellow Flying Yankees, Zukauskas recently started a motorcycle rider's club for members of the Conn. Air National Guard. The club is just getting started, but Zukauskas has high hopes for the organization. 

"I wanted to bring riders together to promote safety, camaraderie and mentorship," said Zukauskas. 

Zukauskas is also working with Senior Master Sgt. Steven Seaha, Senior Master Sgt. Craig Morris and fellow Outstanding Airman of the Year Senior Master Sgt. Victor Greenwood, to start a Top-Three organization for Senior NCOs within the wing. 

Despite his busy schedule, Zukauskas also finds time to serve the wing as the unit's Information Assurance expert. In this role, he is responsible for educating unit members on their responsibilities regarding the security of the base communications network. He achieves this task by educating Information Systems Security Officers around the unit, and by providing additional education for the entire base through regular news articles and a variety of other educational products and services. 

Each year, Zukauskas works to achieve official Air Force approval for our base's communications capabilities through a rigorous re-certification process. Essentially, Zukauskas keeps us all talking. But how does he find time to accomplish all of this?
"I learned a lot from my father," said Zukauskas. "He always went to work, looked good and worked hard, made his boss look good, and rarely complained. I learned from his work ethic." 

Never one to rest on his laurels, Zukauskas recently volunteered for an upcoming deployment to Iraq. "I'll be serving as an acting First Sergeant and camp liaison in Iraq," said Zukauskas. "I'm looking forward to the challenge."