Take a Veteran to School Day
(From second left) Master Sgt. Mike Craddy, assistant program coordinator, Conn. Air National Guard, CWO5 (retired) Kenneth D. Roach, a recipient of the Distinguished Flying Cross for service in Vietnam, Staff Sgt. Michelle Urso, Conn. Air National Guard, Sgt. Emily Rolstone, Conn. Army National Guard, Sgt. Izaida Velez, Conn. Army National Guard, Sgt. David Mills, "C" Co., 1 battalion 25th Marines, and Col. Fred Miclon, Conn. Air National Guard, all members of a seven-member panel of veterans that visited Modern World History and Civics students at Enrico Fermi High School in Enfield, Conn. Nov. 10, 2009, to answer questions and share their military experiences in an effort to raise awareness and appreciation relative to the Veterans’ Day holiday. The visit marked the second consecutive year for the program, Take a Veteran to School Day. (U.S. Air Force Photo by Capt. Jefferson S. Heiland)