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Hero 2 Hired brings job opportunities

BRADLEY AIR NATIONAL GUARD BASE - East Granby, Conn. -- Are you looking for job or need advice writing your résumé but do not know where to start? Try Hero 2 Hired (https://h2h.jobs/) the Department of Defense sponsored jobs website that goes beyond the basic job seeker search.

One of the main benefits on H2H.jobs is the Military Skills Translator. If you search by your AFSC, it will give you relevant jobs that utilize that same skill set. The benefit to this is that when you write your résumé or go into an interview, you are able to explain your role in the military in such a way that a civilian employer will be able to understand. Human Resource managers understand keywords and phrases and look for them in résumés. Some examples are communicated, demonstrated, developed, expert, oversaw, and utilized.

If you are considering a career change or are entering the workforce for the first time, but not sure what jobs you should consider, try the career assessment on H2H.jobs. The career assessment is a 14-question survey that takes your answers and presents you with jobs that you may find interesting. Based on my answers, the survey suggests that I try either librarian work or become a travel guide. Both fields use skills that come naturally to me such as giving advice or being organized and efficient. Try it out; you will never know what fields it may suggest to you.

One of the unique features of H2H.jobs is that you have the option to request live assistance from the Employment Transition Coordinator (ETC). Each state and territory has their own ETC that works directly with Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve (ESGR) and is available to assist servicemembers, spouses, and veterans with questions on their résumé, translating skills, interview questions, or anything else related to the job search. Connecticut's ETC is Lorraine Baltimore and can be reached at LBaltimore@a-teamsolutions.com. Even if you are not from Connecticut, she can refer you to the ETC in your home state.

For those of you that are always on the go, H2H.jobs has a mobile app available on iPhone, Android, and Windows devices. You are able to access the job search function, the career assessment, connect with the main website, and even sign up for the program. Try scanning the QR Code on the H2H materials; it will bring you right to the app.

If you are ready to start your job search or have more questions on H2H.jobs, please stop by the ESGR office on base (Building 78) and pick up some information. I have job seeker information kits for those that are focused on finding that new job along with other helpful information. ESGR and H2H.jobs are here to help!